• You are required to progress through each lesson in order.
  • You must watch 90% of each video to advance.
  • In LESSON 1, you will be able to download the entire powerpoint presentation for all the lessons so you may follow along during each lecture.

We're glad you have chosen to take this training.

The pain of estrangement is one of the greatest challenges that most parents / grandparents will ever face.

Estrangement strikes our clients at the most tender and primitive places.

Being rejected and alienated by their own children attacks the foundation of how we think of ourselves, and as a result, creates profound feelings of fear, sadness, worry, rage, guilt, and regret.

The final sections include:

  • Ensuring Learning Objectives: You'll be instructed to respond to each objective in the comments section.
  • Graded Quiz in order to receive CE's (Minimum score 80%. You have 10 tries).
  • An Assessment and Evaluation Form

*Please email [email protected] with your name, license type, and license number. Upon completion of your training, this information is sent to the accrediting institution so your CE's will be on file.

Email subject line: CE INFORMATION

Upon completion of training, you will receive your Home Study Certificate for 8 CE's.

Lesson Summary

This training will give participants 8 CE credits upon completion. Before beginning, please note that each lesson must be progressed thorough in order and 90% of each video must be watched. In Lesson 1, participants will be able to download the powerpoint presentation for all the lessons. The training will address the pain of estrangement, which is a devastating challenge for many parents and grandparents, as it attacks how we think of ourselves and causes deep feelings of fear, sadness, worry, rage, guilt, and regret. In order to receive the CEs, participants must:

  • Ensure learning objectives are met
  • Pass a graded quiz with a minimum score of 80% (they have 10 tries)
  • Complete an assessment and evaluation form

Complete and Continue